Financial Support & Scholarships

Part Time Student Program

Announcements required for applications at the beginning of each academic year are made through our e-mail, social media and boards, for our students to gain work experience, to develop socially and culturally, to get to know various units of the university better and to earn a certain income by taking part in the working environment in the university during their education. Within the scope of this program, our students can work a maximum of 60 hours a month and receive a symbolic fee per hour.

According to Article 5 of the Social Insurances, Social Insurance and General Health Insurance Law No. 5510, paragraph B; Subject to Article 46 of the Higher Education Law No. 2547, part-time earnings-based earnings are applied to students who work part-time, and occupational accident and occupational disease insurance are applied to those who are not more than thirty times the earnings-based earning limit determined according to article 82. Those listed in this paragraph are considered to be insured within the scope of paragraph (a) of the first paragraph of Article 4.

Our Units where the Part Time Student Program is implemented:

  1. Information Technologies Directorate
  2. Administrative Affairs Directorate
  3. Corporate Communication Directorate
  4. Library and Documentation Directorate
  5. Health, Culture and Sports Directorate
  6. Continuing Education, Application and Research Center Directorate
  7. International Office Directorate


Achievement Scholarships:

These are non-refundable scholarships granted to students placed to the scholarship student quota of the University specified under ÖSYM exam guidebook and covering all or some part  of the tuition fee. Such scholarships continue to be in effect for 2 years in respect of foreign language preparatory and associate levels, whereas for 4 years in respect of undergraduate levels.

Fenerbahçe University is granting and providing 100% and 50% in accordance with the results of YKS (Higher Education Institutions Exam).


Disabled Student Scholarships

From amongst the students placed in university programs and duly matriculated, rate of disability on the health status report is assessed for those applying under the relevant scholarship and 3 students are granted scholarships at the rate of 50 % (fifty percent). This scholarship is not to be combined with another scholarship or discount. Such scholarship is applicable over the tuition fee payable by the student other than ÖSYM Scholarship.

Scholarship Granted To Children Of Martyrs And Veterans

Spouses and children of Martyrs and Veterans who are placed in University programs from over their first choices (without any other university preference in-between) are granted discount at the rate of 10% (ten percent). Such scholarship is applicable over the tuition fee payable by the student other than ÖSYM Scholarship.

Scholarship Granted To Educators Including Their Spouses And Children

Educators as well as their spouses and children who are placed in University programs from over their first choices or without any other university preference in-between, are granted discount at the rate of 10% (ten percent). Such discount is applicable over the tuition fee payable by the student other than ÖSYM Scholarship.

Scholarship Granted To Sister/Brother Matriculated In The University

For each and every sister/brother, it is granted sister/brother scholarship at the rate of 5% (five percent). Such scholarship is applicable over the tuition fee payable by the student other than ÖSYM Scholarship.